One of a kind kilims / Free shipping in DK / Support +45 28 14 38 66

When your place an order at, you are obliged to give certain information to allow us to process your order.

You will be requested to inform: Name, telephone number, e-mail address, delivery address and account or credit card information.

We use the information to process your order: send you an order confirmation, draw the purchasing price from your account and dispatch your parcel. In case of complaint, we use your contact information to register your inquire and in connection with repair or substitute of your purchase.

For safety reasons we do not save your account or credit card information
If you agree we use your contact information for sending newsletters but only with your prior consent.

In connection with dispachen of your order we share your name and address with the freight company and we use a third party to handle payment and store data. The third party only uses your date in connection with your purchase at Mutte Storm and cannot use it for any other purpose.

You are always entitled to view your personal date registered at Mutte Storm and to object to a registration. If the information is irrelevant, incomplete or incorrect you reference to the ‘Persondataloven’ have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Reference to the ‘Bogføringsloven’ we are obliged to keep the date for five years. For questions about the safeguarding of your date kindly contact Mutte Storm at for further information.